Keeping Your Company on Track in a Topsy-Turvy 2022
CEOs, the rest of the C-suite, and middle-management definitely have their work cut out for them in 2022. As the pandemic stretches into its third calendar year, the disruption in corporate America remains as present as ever. A myriad of issues continues to circulate, presenting a rogue’s gallery of challenges for every company and organization. The “New Normal,” a mantra we hoped would be transitory in nature, now appears headed for permanent enshrinement. The challenges of 2021 never left. But you can adjust accordingly, provided that leadership is willing to take actionable steps.
Whether your company is a market leader or a startup with unlimited potential, nurturing the culture of your organization is a continuous process. Currently, as many as 75% of market-leading companies aren’t actively engaged in positive culture transformations. To address the challenges at hand, Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC) offers a few tips for keeping your company on track in a topsy-turvy 2022.
On Reducing Employee Turnover
The Great Resignation, first noted in April of last year, has now surpassed 40 million, and companies are desperate to retain the talent they have. To that end, they’ve adapted many aspects of their cultures to fit employee’s demands. According to ILEC coach Dirk van der Vaart, real leaders address issues such as these head-on – and aren’t afraid to adapt to the situation on the ground:
“The Great Resignation has created a huge challenge for business leaders trying to figure out how to keep their workforce and guarantee a successful employee experience,” van der Vaart said. “It’s all about the culture, and the reality is, if you want to know about a workplace’s culture, look no further than the leader. Employees will do what the leader shows them by example.”
On Hybrid Workforce Models
According to a recent survey from PwC, those forced to work remotely during the pandemic are loath to give it up, as more than half prefer to be home three days a week. Employees have adapted to these conditions and management may have little recourse but to follow suit.
“The last 18 months have shown us that businesses that were able to quickly adapt to the pandemic and go to a hybrid or virtual work format tended to survive and do better,” van der Vaart said. “The surprise for many leaders was that things got done, and in some cases, businesses actually did better.” To get the most from hybrid models, leaders need to over communicate, invest in the tools that allow remote work, and – above all – establish an open and transparent environment.
On Committing to Change
Even prior to the pandemic, companies were attempting to embrace real change in the quest to establish a vibrant and enviable culture. As the disruption spread, this effort was forced to expand exponentially at a moment’s notice. The results have fallen noticeably short, with a failure rate of 70% according to one McKinsey study. A lack of commitment, follow through, and even organizational fatigue are to blame. According to ILEC coach Ted Turner, success is wholly dependent on beginning with the organization’s foundation.
“Take an honest look at the foundation you have and decide if it will support the change,” Turner said. “If it won’t, determine whether you’re willing as a leader to do the work to get rid of what’s not supportive before you make any new changes.”
“A change initiative won’t have sustainable, successful results if there isn’t consistency from good leadership,” Pierce said. “Once a leader has made a commitment to a change initiative within their organization, it then comes down to the mindset and transforming that mindset in every individual on the team.”
“That way, all employees understand not only what that vision is, but now they’re also beginning to feel it,” said Pierce. “So, when that leader shifts that mindset and really begins to touch the mind and the heart of those team members, then you begin to see the vision take off and you begin to see a change in behavior.”
Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC) is the world’s No. 1 executive coaching platform dedicated to growing tomorrow’s leaders through organizational transformation. ILEC believes that there are six critical steps to transforming culture. Our master certified ILEC coaches utilize a proven blueprint and philosophy designed to highlight the long-term benefits of investing in human capital. If you’re ready to take the all-important first step, and perhaps attend one of ILEC’s 3-Day Cultural Transformation Retreats, let’s discuss your organization’s mission, vision, and purpose.